Sunday, December 9, 2012

How to be Honest

There are many synonyms to the word "honest". Among these are: authentic, genuine, decent, ethical, fair. When I was in kindergarten, I believed I was all of these things. I had been raised right and had no reason to lie to my family. But having a reason to lie can come in an instant and my answer to, "Are your teeth brushed?" was always the one that left my teeth unbrushed.

Being honest is a hard thing to be. The choice between calm and clammy, in trouble and not in trouble. Sweaty palms with fingers crossed behind your back; praying your lie will pull through for you. I'm sure for some being honest is easy. They speak their mind and have no fear of hurting the feelings of others. But since I am a "yes" person, I don't like to disappoint and I definitely don't like confrontation.

I guess there are benefits to telling the truth. Like when your mom asks if you washed the dishes (you have), and you can confidently answer that you did. No worries there. Or when your parents ask for the truth and you reluctantly tell it to them, they value your honesty and give you more leash. The results of being truthful are never flawless, but you can bet they never will be if you aren't.

Being honest means never telling a lie. Being a pathological liar means never telling the truth. One of them gives you a good reputation and the other makes you lonely. Honesty comes and goes and most people are a combination of the two. Unfortunately for lies, no one likes to receive them and you will not be well received if you are known for being a liar.

Process Analysis
Being honest is a difficult thing to learn, but will be easier with time. It starts with living honestly and not doing things that don't match up. Example: Don't answer the telephone pretending to be your mother and promise to do things. That will be indefinitely hard to explain. Then, attempt to be kind to everyone you encounter. Being insensitive and dishonest go hand in hand. Finally, you will have no reason to lie and everyone will love you!

There are many different kinds of "honesty". First, there are those who tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Second, there are those that withhold part of the truth in an effort to save the feelings of others or, unfortunately, themselves. Third, there are those who avoid talking about the truth altogether. They don't outright lie, but skate around the actual topic. I would suggest the first. If you need more explanation, Google Abraham Lincoln.

Cause and Effect
If you are honest, the world will become a wonderfully sunny and guilt-free place. You won't have any worries or concerns to dwell on and thus, will have a lot of extra free time. Being known as an honest person will get you very far in life and will benefit you for as long as you live. Those who are dishonest will see major consequences in every aspect of their life.

To be honest means to be honorable in principles, intentions, and actions. Everything you have will have been gained or obtained fairly. People can trust you and rely on you for help. Even unimportant lies have consequences. In fact, there is no such thing as an unimportant lie. Anything apart from the truth can have an affect on someone in some way.

I urge you to go out into the world and try, just for one day, to tell the truth. It may be difficult at first, but nothing in this world comes easily - make it a force of habit. We fall into the rut of lying to avoid having to do what we need to do and lose our sense of dignity and self-worth. Imagine flipping it around and being truthful to both ourselves and others. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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