Wednesday, January 16, 2013

There Will Be Effin' Rest

One day I'll get this essay right. It's been pending for something like two months now and I'm still not getting that feeling where everything's going to be okay. I imagine when that time comes, light will sparkle down from heaven and illuminate me and my paper, which will levitate in front of me.
The name of my essay is There Will Be Rest, thus explaining the witty title of this post.
As you can tell, I'm having difficulties tying it all together. The essay is about sleep (sort of), but mostly it ties into the expectations students have placed upon them and the differences in cultures across the world and their influence on those expectations. I'm quite pleased with this concept, mostly because I came up with it myself.
In this very dire situation, I'm checking twitter for inspiration. I also decided that blogging about it would provide some clarity. I do happen to know that distraction is always helpful during the writing process.
"Brief" description of my writing process:

1. I decide that getting my assignments done is the best choice of evening time-spending.*

2. In order to proceed, I need to clear my head. I do this by cleaning my bedroom. As my mother always says, a clean room is a happy mind.

3. I pull up the document and get all of my thoughts out in the open.

4. Following step 3, I must leave the computer be so it gets the chance to settle down. So I get a snack.

5. I eat my snack and slowly approach the computer, which at any moment could retaliate.

6. I move some commas around.

7. Facebook taunts me and I click on the link I stupidly have attached to my home screen.

8. I probably get another snack and look at my work of art with new eyes. I move some more commas around and then print it out.

9. I stare at the printable copy for a while. I undoubtedly have an error that I didn't notice before, which is frustrating because I just wasted two or three pieces of paper.**

10. I fix the error and the essay smiles up at me contentedly.

11. I smile back at my essay and turn it in.

*I desperately tried to find another word for "time-spending" but was at a loss. I apologize.
**I want to make it clear that the error, whatever it may be, is a formatting one. I do not make spelling errors.

At any rate, this night was not a wasted one. I hope your night was not a wasted one either.
Here, I just listened to this song a few times in an effort to raise my spirits. It definitely worked.
*winks enthusiastically*

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