Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"I met him in summer school."

I was creepily listening in on someone's outspoken conversation in class the other day, and caught this treasure of a phrase. Nothing admits the downfalls in your academic life like admitting to meeting someone in summer school. Definitely quality ground for meeting your potential spouse (said no one ever).
On a sadder note, it never ceases to amaze me when someone simply doesn't care what grade they get in a class. By no means do you have to freak out and obsess over your grades like Gollum and his precious, but at least do your homework, right?
School is a time to bow down to the man, sacrifice your freedoms, and deal with standardized testing because it might actually be beneficial. But, of course, no one cares. Because they don't care, they are lacking in the trivial knowledge department and suffer for it.
Ask yourself these questions. Do you know what the Gettysburg Address is? Could you recite the first six words of the Gettysburg Address? Do you know who gave the Gettysburg Address? Good. People in my U.S. History class don't know the answers to those questions and it pains me to see their blatant disregard for knowledge.

"The unexamined life is not worth living."
- Socrates (right before he was killed for "corrupting the youth")

Socrates would hate my U.S. History class.

That is all.

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