Monday, February 4, 2013


As per usual, my schedule this semester follows the 2:2 fantastic to sucky ratio. A fantastic class is one that I actually enjoy attending, while a sucky class is one that I am forced to endure, mostly because I would like to graduate high school. But fate sometimes smiles upon me and divvies the classes up so throughout the day I switch between fantastic and sucky classes and don't end up stabbing myself with my pencil.
I imagine if my math class was any longer, I would end up stabbing myself with my pencil.
My math class isn't even held in a math classroom. It's held in a World History classroom so there are no posters of math stuff to possibly provide hints on test days.
Then there is my Spanish class. First block, furthest possible classroom from where I park my car, several flights of stairs...
No me gusta subir escaleras o el aprendizaje de espaƱol.
So many more weeks to go.
But never fear! I also happen to be taking History and Literature of Film (29 movies, full semester, talk about major chillin) and Range of Poetry (So very much enjoyed).
The great thing about taking a poetry class is that instead of wasting my time on Facebook instead of doing my homework, I now waste my time reading poetry. I feel like that's an improvement.

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