Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Did. You. Know.

That vampires are actually not real? And if they did exist (knock on wood), they would feed on the life essence of humans (like for instance...blood) and that would not be a good time.
Lately, all of the craze has been these pasty creatures and there incredible sex appeal. Because that's all we care about...?
Oh, but of course Maddie! No one has seen Dracula movie with Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder!

See picture:

Keanu Reaves plays the chap in the vest (supposed to be an innocent human guy? Don't really know - I saw this movie a while ago) and Gary Oldman plays Dracula...the old pasty man with the wrinkle-face and fantasticly styled hair (seemingly impossible to attain since he has SUCH LONG nails...but whateves...he probably has people for that). But don't worry the movie in order to lure in Winona Ryder as his reincarnated lover (who is engaged to Keanu Reaves's character - oh snap - I know), he becomes younger...though he still has a wrinkle-face and fantastic hair (just brown hair at this point).

All teenage girls watch (and this might come as a surprise) Twilight.
See Picture:

Now look at this gem. Such a great shot of all the vampires of the Cullen clan. From right to left: Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, EDWARD (his name is in caps because he is OBVIOUSLY the focal point of the shot), Carlisle, Alice, and Jasper. Don't worry if they look sinister...they are all friendly, sexy, animal eaters. And this is what all of those girls are swooning over. Now you know.
What I always say is all that you need to make this movie perfect is take out the vampire bit, replace all of the actors that can't act to save their lives, change the dialogue completely, give Edward a motorcycle and a leather jacket, and you'd have it. THAT movie I would see (assuming that I haven't read all of the Twilight books and seen all of the movies...but I have. That's how I knew all their names off the top of my didn't think I'd research that did you? Silly).

Here's a clip proving my point about this ridiculousness:

Now...after watching it and taking notes for are my conclusions:
1. Bella wasn't listening to him at all.
2. Edward was just trying to seem sexy but tossing all those sticks and running around quick.
3. This movie was poorly made.
4. The dialogue is very unrealistic.
5. When are Bella and Edward going to do their homework?
6. Twilight is an inaccurate depiction of vampires and how they spend their time.

Go home and watch all your favorite vampire movies (especially Twilight cause I know it's your favorite) and go outside when it's late, cut your hand a bit, and wait for your girl/boyfriend to come and meet you.

Have fun with that!

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