Commonly accepted belief:
You need carbohydrates for energy (Carbo-Load, Food Pyramid)
Though the belief that you need carbohydrates for energy has been widely accepted, it is completely false. We can live off of proteins, fat, fruits and vegetables alone - without filling our bodies with processed foods and bread. It is possible to live like "cavemen"; cutting out all modernized foods and weening yourself off sugar and wheat. The so-called "Carbo-Load" that athletes have before a meet or game in order to provide themselves with enough energy is actually unneeded. Once we eat proteins or fat, our blood converts it to energy naturally. Pasta and copious amounts of bread is only tricking us - by providing a temporary sense of pleasure and being full. In actuality, wheat-based products only make us more hungry and help us really pack on the pounds. Cut out carbohydrates from your diet and you will see some major changes to not only your waist line, but to your happiness as well.
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